Friday, August 26, 2011

That’s Life For You!

The latest and greatest with the Ames Clan:

Sam: So, the surgery is/was a success! The tummy seems to be holding quite well. It isn’t the prettiest, and doesn’t do well for her constantly bobbing self-esteem, but at least she can walk, and from time to time even jog, without her intestines trying to make a run for the floor!

Now she battles with having so much energy and so little time to get everything that she wants to do done. Not to mention that she has been mysteriously plagued with edema in her legs and feet. We say mysteriously because her doctor ran blood work on four of the five things that would normally cause swelling in the legs and feet (the five things being kidneys, thyroid, liver, infection, and heart failure). The only thing the doctor hasn’t checked her for yet is heart failure. Currently the doctor has lowered her migraine medication (because it also affects the heart) to see if it makes any difference.

Tim: Is on vacation and wondering when it is going to start! He has been working on the house (because we always seem to be running out of space and things are always breaking on us, like the water main) and he has a list a mile long (or at least it seems like it) of things he wants to get done while he is on vacation. He is at least 1/4 of the way done with his list and he still has all of next week Winking smile

Alexander: Is on his second summer vacation, this one is about two and a half weeks long. He would much rather be at school, especially since we cancelled everything fun until the house is clean again. Alex helps out here and there, but everything seems to overwhelm him lately…to the point of personal property destruction.  Heaven help us!

He missed the deadline to get his medical form for Special Olympics in this year, so he will not be competing, but we will be on the ball for next year!

ChristopherJon: Please tell us that school will be starting sometime soon! We love this kid to death…BUT a whole summer of flat out refusal to do anything to help out around the house (even when Sam was in the hospital or home during recovery!!) will drive any and every parent to their wit’s end!

EmaMae: has turned into the female version of Dennis the Menace. Whether innocently causing trouble or purposely so, like having that evil look in her eye and sly smile across her face as she takes the FULL bag of chips or graham cracker cookies and dumps them on the floor, she could definitely give Dennis a run for the money Winking smile

JohannaDean: Is up a whole percent on the scale! She earned her way up to 15% by hitting 13 lbs on the scale!! She is up to 25 inches long, now. She hates laying down, she hates the car seat, but she LOVES standing and walking (not without help thank goodness!)! She is becoming quite her own little person. We all just love her laugh and she loves being entertained by her big brothers and loves being held by her big sister. It is adorable watching them all interact with one another!


Tim and Sam will be going up to the Portland Temple to receive their Endowments on August 27th… Oh wait that’s tomorrow! Got a lot to do! Comb the hair, wash the shirt, polish the shoes…WE don’t have much time! ANYWAYS…We have some life altering things going on which will not allow the family to be sealed at this time, but with the endowments out of the way we will be all set up for going to Utah to get sealed next summer.

All in all life is slow right now…maybe it will pick up in the next few weeks ROFLMAO!

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